Tag Archives: SVS

When Opportunity Knocks…

By: Peter Girard

This will be a short blog post but it’s too awesome not t0 share so here it goes.  As I said in my last blog post, I’ve been on a bit of a social media kick lately.  For clients who hand over the reigns of their social media accounts to us (be it completely or partially) one of the struggles of maintaining an account is content.  Content is king after all and while you always want the content you’re sharing to be meaningful to your brand, the true focus needs to be on your customers.  Something useful to them, educationally, or just makes them smile or laugh.

Knowing which ‘type’ of content to share is dependent on your brand personality but a mix can be good.  This is exactly why I was so excited to see an email come in this morning from one of our clients.

SVS is a leader in high performance home audio products.  As a brand that successfully balances business through dealers and e-commerce, many of their orders come through electronically.   Through the online ordering process, consumers have the ability to include a note with their order.  Usually this is just the space where customers put additional delivery instructions like “Leave it by the back door” or “Just a heads up I have a dog, but she’s a sweetheart.  All bark no bite.”

But occasionally a unique customer comment comes in.  Case and point, the customer this morning who had this to say:

customer note

So what did SVS do? Well…

dino pizza

Now maybe it’s just because I like to geek out about social media but I loved this.  It took the SVS employee who saw the note all of 5 minutes to do the drawing and rather than feature the art on the box, they put it in the box with the customer’s order.

This is a perfect example of taking something common place in the work environment and making an opportunity out of it.  If you’ve ever struggling as a brand for content to share with consumers, sometimes all it takes is a fresh look at what you do every day.  What may seem so common place to you, a customer might find interesting or entertaining.

In either case, a tip of the hat to SVS today.  A quick, simple response to a customers’ albeit random request is guaranteed to make that customer feel appreciated, and above all, listened to by a brand he supports.  Because at the end of the day, it’s all about the customer.